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Good Morning Improv

Finally! English Improv for adults in Halle!

This is a chance for anyone who wants to speak English, practice English, get to know new people, play, and be a bit silly to learn and do improv. 
You can a be a native speaker of English or wanting to gain more confidence in the foreign language, both are fine. 

The last Saturday of every month will be English Improv day.
Come join at Spielmitte at Geiststraße 22.

Here are the dates: 
28.09. -->  10:00 am -12:00 pm  
26.10. -->  10:00 am -12:00 pm  
30.11. -->  10:00 am -12:00 pm  

If all goes well, there will be dates in the new year as well. So bring a friend!

Suggested: 20 €
Please feel free to pay what you can, if you can't afford 20 €, please feel free to decide what fits your budget at the moment, no questions asked. 
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